Thursday, January 20, 2011

day 2- keeping at it

Day 1 wasn't as good as I liked, but I did do 40 minutes on the treadmill at a pretty slow/moderate pace.  I just wanted to go for a significant amount of time, versus high speed and shorter time. I drank 48 ounces of water and about 32 ounces of diet pop.  I ended up eating over 2000 calories yesterday, but feel like with 200 calories worked off on the treadmill, it was a decent trade off for the first day.   

Today, I will try to do two bouts on the tread and add some other exercise.  Today's goal is 1900 calories with 400 in exercise.  It's a strong goal, but I think I can do it.

Food wise was more difficult than I thought.  I started the day with weight control oatmeal and yogurt, but immediately after was sluggish.  Today I started with chicken, cheese and sour cream.  Trying to see what food combinations will keep me energized and yet not dying for food 20 minutes later.

I'm unemployed right now.  Been there for about 8 months now.  It's tough looking for a job, but even tougher knowing you are interviewing for a job looking morbidly obese.  At 5'6" and a size 24, I have to admit the image I project has to be slovenly.  So, I must keep at it. 

Continuing to seek God's support through this also.  I pray for His strength to keep me at this, and to shape myself into an image that is more Christlike, inside and out. 

"Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always."- 1 Chronicles 16:11

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

277 Pounds

At 5'6", it's time I get healthy and get this weight off.  And since I have probably gained and lost over 277 pounds over the course of my life, it's not that I don't know how to do it... but that I don't seem to keep it off.  Ten years ago I lost 100 pounds.  Within 2 years it was all back. 

I know the basics:  count calories, exercise, watch your fat content, stay away from processed foods.  A year ago I lost 40 pounds and felt I was on the way back... but how did I end up a size 24 again? 

Food.  I love food and I love savory flavors.  I enjoy sweets and when I get together with my girlfriends, what is at the center, FOOD!  When we relax after church what do we do... go to a RESTAURANT!  And I'm an emotional eater, a crisis eater, a celebratory eater, name it... an obsessive eater! 

So, 2011 has to be the year this 51 year old woman finally wins this battle!  I know how to do what's next and what will be different?  How do I make this the last time I try to lose weight and begin to change my life to a total focus of healthy living. 

Maybe this blog will provide the impetus to keep myself accountable.  Maybe the journaling, the entering of thoughts, feelings, and struggles, will help me find some root causes for the triggers.  Maybe God will connect me with people who share this struggle and enable me to make the changes I need to make!

So, today's the beginning.  The calorie counting, healthy eating has got to start.  The tracking and exercising needs to begin.  God willing this will be the last time I feel the need to begin again, and the belief that healthy living is not about dieting, but about LIVING!